Some of us were sporty as children and so working in fitness became a natural progression.
Something we hear a lot when teaching courses during ice breakers is “I love exercising myself and just want to help other people feel the same” or “I’ve been on a journey with achieving my goals and I think I want to help people achieve similar things”
Isn’t that amazing, that you can have a job that gives you the ability to help others feel so good.
So, I want to ask, do you really love your job?
Does it light your fire?
Do you wake up and look forward to it every day?
If not, maybe you should ask yourself why not, what is missing?
If you are in a job that you kind of fell into or went down the route of what was expected of you but now are tired of feeling maybe trapped by it, it could be time to re-evaluate what you really want to do…
Maybe the last year has given you time to think about quality of life with a work life balance and you are ready to think about re training in something you love, something you already do but didn’t previously see it as a career
Well, let me tell you a career in the fitness industry is very rewarding, very inspiring and can also give you a very good income.
So why not get yourself a career, that you love, that you look forward to doing every day and where you can help so many people live healthier fitter lifestyles…